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About Us

Joseph D Ranieri Jr

(CEO/Executive Managing Director/Owner/ BOD of The Millice Group of Companies)

One Company, One Team 


Millice, established in 1979 as a Semiconductor Service company has grown to a full-service
distribution leader. We now span solutions in Semiconductor, Semi-FABS, PCBA Electronics, and Test and Inspection sectors.


Our team has continuously leaned into the marketplace to identify produce solutions for our ever expanding customer base and finding new opportunities for our supply partners & principals.


Over our 40+ years of continuous operations, the electronics industry has grown from Singapore-centric to almost every country in Asia. Millice has kept up with offices and partnerships across the region.


Having our teams know the customer's application, team members, and the customer's end-goals has meant we can quickly understand and effectively reply to the needs as they evolve. We strive to be your “PrimePartner” bringing solutions to all the needs represented - in or out of our own products - but based on our knowledge and extensive connections throughout the industry.


The support teams in Management, Finance, Logistics, and Central Operations stand ready to help the customer through Sales and Service requirements to keep them in the field and engaged with our customers' needs.


As your preferred ‘PrimePartner’ please challenge us on whatever your need is, and know that if you can’t find it - we will help!

"Our vision is to become the PRIME Partner (go-to resource) for our customers and principals by providing leading-edge technology solutions & professional services to the semiconductor and electronic manufacturing industry"

CEO picture at Millice

Meet Our Heads

HOS for SEMI at Millice

Ong Kay Huat (KH)

General Manager Millice Private Limited / President of WTS

GM at Millice

Chua Teng Beng

Deputy General Manager of Millice Private Limited

HOF picture at Millice

Sebas Lim

Head of Finance & Administration for the Millice Group of Companies

Co-Founder of Millice

SK Goh

Director/ BOD Owner of the Millice Group of Companies (TMG)

Our Headquarters

Corporate Responsibility

Millice is a company that places relationships and trust above all else. The company operates with a focus on our customers, employees, and our local communities with a commitment of being guided by integrity in order to help our customers achieve their goals in a tech driven industry.

Overview Summary of TMG Corporate Responsibility :

  • Code of Business Conduct, Ethics and Anti-Bribery

  • Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition Code of Conduct

  • Environmental/Safety Certifications

  • Quality and Reliability

  • MCT Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement

  • Sustainability

  • Conflict Minerals

  • Climate Change and Greenhouse Gas Emissions

The company is committed to being a responsible corporate citizen and believe in complying with applicable laws. In addition to our culture, Code of Business Conduct and Ethics, systems, certifications, reporting, and sustainability management to illustrate that commitment.


We also supports human rights and social responsibility. The United Nations Global Compact charter includes specific labor standards related to freely chosen employment, child labor avoidance, working hours, wages, benefits, and humane treatment. 

The ten principles of the UN Global Compact can be reviewed at here.

©2021 by Millice

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